Moving Your Office? Here Are 5 Tips to Help You Move Stress-Free

Moving homes is a big job but moving offices can sometimes feel like an even bigger feat. From staffing logistics to ensuring your business continues running smoothly without interruption, there are a lot of details to keep track of. With that said, here are some tips and tricks to help make your office move stress-free.

1.   Start Planning Early

The first step you should take for any big move is to start the planning process early. Moving a whole office and running a business simultaneously can become overwhelming fast. However, when you start your planning early by making lists of what needs to stay and go, finding the right moving company in Calgary, and coordinating with your staff you could save yourself from a lot of stress.

For instance, you may have some electronic waste that you need to get rid of before moving or outdated office furniture you’d like to get rid of. Start getting rid of these things early, figure out how to properly recycle waste, sell or donate things that you’re not taking with you to your local community. Places like Goodwill is also a great place to donate used furniture, alternatively Facebook marketplace is a great place to sell items.

2.   Convene with Your Staff

Keeping your staff involved throughout the moving process is key to helping it run smoothly. Don’t leave them shocked that they’ll be moving locations, but rather prepare them in advance, show them the new, and maybe even book a time to give them a tour. Having your staff on the same page as you can help alleviate stress as you go through this process. Your staff can also be a good resource to help with the move, don’t be afraid to make it a team effort! Have someone research a reputable moving company, sell items on marketplace, engage your operations team to help with relocating internet services, and don’t forget to plan a fun afternoon of packing with pizza and drinks – turn it into a team bonding moment!

3.   Change Your Address Before Moving

While you must keep your staff up to date, you should also keep your clients updated with your office move. A simple Google business update works, but also adding a moving announcement to your website and social media pages can alert existing and potential customers about your new location. You can also email your customer list about the exciting news! Beyond your clients, also inform anyone else you may get regular mail from – magazine or newspaper subscriptions, food deliveries, cellphone bills, etc.

4.   Review the New Office Storage Situation

Another thing to remember when moving to a new office is the different storage situation you’ll be dealing with. What storage does the new office have? Are there shelves to put things up on, enough kitchen cabinets in the breakroom for food, and other storage solutions for everything you had at your old office? This is a crucial point to assess before you move to a new office, and something to let your reputable moving company know, as you may end up with a pile of documents, decor, and more laying around somewhere until sufficient storage can be purchased later.

5.   Get Help From Professional Movers

Working with a professional moving company is the final and sometimes the most important aspect of a successful office relocation. When you work with a reputable moving company in Calgary, you’ll feel a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. Hire a company like us! Amazing Grace Movers gets the job done right by paying attention to our client’s needs, being organized, being efficient as we pack up and move your belongings, oh and did we mention our friendly customer service? We pride ourselves on our clear communication and quick response times.

If you’re thinking of moving your Calgary office, contact us by calling or texting 1-403-690-9264 to get rates, and quotes (with no hidden fees!).

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